My goal this weekend was to lay low and not leave the house (by the way - that was an epic fail - but I'll get to that later). I skyped with my mom. Gotta say skype is one of the best inventions next to air conditioning. I love that I can talk to her (or any of my family) and see her beautiful face.
By 11 o'clock, I had come to the conclusion that I was withering away precious moments of my weekend by not doing a single blooming thing. I decided to get motivated. This included hopping into my pajamas, putting in the Sound of Music, and grading my Grade 6 papers. I tell you what - nothing can get more repetitive and boring than grading comprehension questions from the novel study I'm doing in class. It was a good thing that I was watching a movie because I would have cashed out.
By 2 o'clock my inner self was crawling out of my skin and telling me that I had to leave the house and go ride Leona. I had a debate with myself about breaking out of the house (talk about schizo). Well the inner self won and I made an escape with Leona. I went to school and did some lesson planning and then went driving around Sentul. I found some beautiful places (if I didn't have Leona - I'd probably never see them). I totally looked like a tourist. I drove really slow (on the left side mind you) and stopped frequently to take pictures with my Sony camera. If my brother, Robbie was with me - he would have a hernia. He already hates the fact that I take so many pictures.
I came home to an empty house, nearly keeling over from the smell (side note - our house is getting repainted and it smells like licorice, alcohol, and floor cleaner - nothing like the typical paint smell). All the windows and doors are shut and there's absolutely zero ventilation. This is just a nice example of how Indonesia works differently than other countries. You say drive on the right, they say drive on the left. You say a dvd player that plays all movies, they say a dvd player that plays only pirated and VCD (video compact disc) movies. You say paint the house and ventilate it, they say paint the house and keep the windows and doors shut. Well if anyone ever wanted to get high - they could take one step in my house and pass out. It's overwhelming.
Anyway, I'm not complaining, it's actually quite comical. I am trying to air out the house before the rain comes. Lately it has been raining every day (nonstop) from 5 o'clock on through a good chunk of the night. It's a good thing Leona likes to drive nice in the rain - or I'd be stranded.
So thankful for this lazy weekend.I hope all you readers have a relaxing weekend! Love to all! (PS - enjoy the pics - an extensive looksee at Sentul)
A View of SPH-Sentul City from the main drag. Beautiful!!
Pretty side roads that decorate the distant looming mountain.
In the back of Taman Sukura neighbor hood. Who would have thought that front yard views could be so pretty? - Not me, that's for sure! A little jealous :P
Taman Sukura take two - note the multi-leveled farm land and rushing river.
The golf course right outside of my neighborhood. If I golfed, I'd want to go here!
One of my favorite houses in the neighborhood. It has character.
My other favorite house. It's truly unique!
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