Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Year of Challenges

A lot of things have changed at SPH since last year. Sometimes I wonder how such drastic changes could happen so quickly (and frequently). It seems that every day a new problem springs a surprise attack. To be honest, it's difficult to be positive.

We have re-accreditation and so to impress our examiners, we are implementing numerous things that should have been implemented all along. In short, this has put a strain on many of the teachers, including myself.

In Grade 6 there are a total of 9 teachers, all teaching different subjects. To collaborate with all of them and then in smaller groups (which are divided among disciplines) is more than a challenge. Then to find time to plan and collaborate with all the teachers in my Grade 3 students is even more challenging. Any free time that I am allotted is devoted to one grade or another. By the time I get a chance to plan for the next day, the school day is well over. I'm not used to going on a day-by-day basis, I would rather plan the whole week, but there just isn't even time.

On top of that, I have a number of challenging students (academically and behaviorally) in my class of 20 students. Some have difficult learning disabilities. However, learning disabilities are dealt with differently in Indonesia than in the States. No action is taken unless the disability consists of disfigurement. So to teach my students, assist with those with disabilities that I can amateurly identify the symptoms to, and keep my higher level students from becoming bored is a lot for my plate.

Of course all of these things take place during the school day. After school I am co-directer to "Christmas Carol" (the musical) for middle school, head-director to "Reason for the Season" for elementary students, recruited onto two accreditation teams, and an after school tutoring session with one of my students.

It's stressful thinking about what each hour might bring, let alone an entire day. I feel as if there is a severe unbalance and truth be told - there is. I know that I can get it all done, but I feel like my sanity is dropping to a new low.

Please pray that this year runs smoothly. It's only day 2 of the official academic year and I'm ready for another summer vacation!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The second year of school has officially commenced. Although the kids do not come until Tuesday, I have been back for two days now. To be honest, I've come home both days exhausted and ready for bed around seven. I don't know why, all I've been doing is sitting through hours upon hours of mind-numbing meetings.

I've never really minded meetings, but when they are led in a condescending fashion and about things that have already been talked to death, I find myself rapidly losing my intelligence. It's like it melts away and craziness reigns in place of it.

Tomorrow is the last day of these types of meetings, and I'm counting down the hours. I'm ready for the kids to be back and this nonsense to end. Then tomorrow night we have a mandatory dinner that all the teachers have to attend for the families of new students. We officially have 91 new students (but they count the incoming grade 7's, who have been at the school for many years already - I guess they see it as an initiation of sorts). So excluding the grade 7's, we have about 70 new students to the school (K - 10). I think that's pretty impressive.

Although I'm only 2 days into being back, I miss the long summer days I had. Summer seems so short here (and in truth, it certainly is). I feel like I could have done so many more things, and yet, I feel that I accomplished everything I had as goals. And though I miss my family, I feel like I'm settled and better adjusted than before. Seeing all the staff again made me realize how much of a family we truly are. Despite the political garbage that tends to go on, I love these people as if they have adopted me.

Well, I'm off to bed. Till next time...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Start of a New (Academic) Year

Hello friends,
It's been a few weeks since I last posted. I have enjoyed my (short) summer holiday. I'm excited for the new academic year to commence in a week and a half, and yet dreading it. The idea of having to wake up before nine-thirty in the morning makes me want to cry. But in any case, I will do it with a smile on my face.

My summer was very relaxing. Just what I needed.
The first week of my break I spent packing up my house in BGH. Just for the record, there is absolutely no reason for one person to have more than 2 bedrooms in a house. I don't know how those bachelor/ette millionaires do it. Honestly, what else do you really need besides the basic essentials?

After getting everything packed, I realized that I have accumulated a ton of stuff since being here. Lots of furniture, new clothes, housing decorations...wowza! Then on a Monday morning the following week, some of the office boys, my neighbors, and a few teachers helped me move and unpack. It was helpful to have so many hands to assist me. I probably would still be unpacking if I had to do it alone.

The remainder of my break was spent working on my novel, catching up on some beloved tv shows (if you have not seen the new remake of Hawaii Five-O series - you need to....there are literally no words to describe how amazing that show is), swimming, decorating my house, and working on preparing my classroom. A teacher's job is never done - even during vacation. However, I don't seem to mind - especially with the stress-free environment.

Yesterday (Tuesday) evening, I went to the airport to meet one of the new expatriate teachers. Let me tell you, it was definitely an experience. The school driver brought me to the airport and I had to find a girl - whom I've never met or seen a picture of OR have a sign. Definitely problematic. So I started to single out the people who were traveling alone, white, and had a lot of luggage. Low and behold, I found her. Thank goodness....I would have been in serious trouble if I would have come back without her.

The remainder of this week is dedicated to helping the new teachers shop and get adjusted to the Indonesian lifestyle. I feel like I am an encyclopedia of information sometimes. A few days ago I was not looking forward to spending the last weeks of my summer helping new teachers, but then I realized that I was so thankful when others did that for me. I would have probably lost my mind without help and guidance of other teachers. And now that it's already begun, it's actually quite enjoyable.

Aside from that, I'm trying to get back to a "normal" sleep schedule (yes, the one where I wake at the crack of dawn) so I'm not a walking zombie on the first day of school.

Thanks for all prayers and patience in my blog writing.

Until next time....