Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Year of Challenges

A lot of things have changed at SPH since last year. Sometimes I wonder how such drastic changes could happen so quickly (and frequently). It seems that every day a new problem springs a surprise attack. To be honest, it's difficult to be positive.

We have re-accreditation and so to impress our examiners, we are implementing numerous things that should have been implemented all along. In short, this has put a strain on many of the teachers, including myself.

In Grade 6 there are a total of 9 teachers, all teaching different subjects. To collaborate with all of them and then in smaller groups (which are divided among disciplines) is more than a challenge. Then to find time to plan and collaborate with all the teachers in my Grade 3 students is even more challenging. Any free time that I am allotted is devoted to one grade or another. By the time I get a chance to plan for the next day, the school day is well over. I'm not used to going on a day-by-day basis, I would rather plan the whole week, but there just isn't even time.

On top of that, I have a number of challenging students (academically and behaviorally) in my class of 20 students. Some have difficult learning disabilities. However, learning disabilities are dealt with differently in Indonesia than in the States. No action is taken unless the disability consists of disfigurement. So to teach my students, assist with those with disabilities that I can amateurly identify the symptoms to, and keep my higher level students from becoming bored is a lot for my plate.

Of course all of these things take place during the school day. After school I am co-directer to "Christmas Carol" (the musical) for middle school, head-director to "Reason for the Season" for elementary students, recruited onto two accreditation teams, and an after school tutoring session with one of my students.

It's stressful thinking about what each hour might bring, let alone an entire day. I feel as if there is a severe unbalance and truth be told - there is. I know that I can get it all done, but I feel like my sanity is dropping to a new low.

Please pray that this year runs smoothly. It's only day 2 of the official academic year and I'm ready for another summer vacation!

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