Saturday, May 7, 2011

Grade 3 Chapel

With the play being over, I thought my life would slow down a little bit. Not. A. Chance. With Monday being the day for all teachers to attend the funeral of our school’s founder, Grade 3 was given a day and a half to prepare for their grade-level chapel.

The students worked really hard, as did we. Budi and I blocked out a number of our classes to focus on this. Although Budi tries to help, I ultimately have to be in charge of the chapel because I am in charge of Biblical Studies in our classroom.

The day of the chapel came and my students were revved up about it. I had no doubt in my mind that they pull it off. Our theme was the armor of God, and the kids had some of the cutest skits that demonstrated the meaning of pieces of armor. Then it came to the sermon. Yes, it was yours truly that was in charge of delivering it.

Now, I have to admit I was a bit nervous because my Easter program sermon was not the best thing that I ever did. However, I had an interactive story that students had to opening participate and cheer in. They were enthusiastic and eating out of the palm of my hand. Then I reviewed each piece of armor and dressed the part in an outrageous manner. My helmet – my motorbike helmet; my breastplate – a piece of poster board; my shield – a collaboration of construction paper; my sword – a light saber; and my sandals – my dilapidated bath shoes.

I walked around and explained each – the students thought it was hilarious and were so enthralled. It was the most fun I’ve ever had. Out of all the chapels Grade 3 has been in charge of, this by far was one of my favorites. It ran smoothly and the kids were so attentive and well behaved. With each day that passes, I feel like I can a mind full of new knowledge and experience.

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